Monday, April 22, 2013

Let Me Introduce Myself


My name is Gina Kyle and this is my blog.  My very first one to be exact.

I am 50 years old and I finally decided what I wanted to do in life.  I want to be an Artist.  I won't bore you with the details of my life but I might remanence from time to time and throw something in there from my childhood that you might somehow be able to relate to.  I'll eventually get back on subject and you can thank me later.  It's all a part of starting life after 50.  Those of you who have reached that point in your lives will clearly understand, the rest of you might take some time but you'll get there.

Last year I began painting.  I read an email that a local gallery in my area was having an art competition.  So I decided to enter.  I had so many different feelings of nervousness, anxiety, doubt, excitement, all rush through my entire body.  My mind was confused on what my body should feel.  There were going to be artists entering into this competition.  Who am I?  I am not an artist.  I have never had an art class, I don't know know the first thing about brushes and paints and...gesso?  But I have always had a raw talent.  I was born with the ability to create beautiful lines and curves.  To piece them together to make something familiar.  Something beautiful.  What I wasn't born with was the ability to express myself publicly.  I tend to keep things to myself because I don't think what I have to offer the world is worth the offering.  It has taken me a lifetime to discover differently.  What I have to offer the world is beautiful.  I am talented and it's time I shared it with YOU.

I have a story to share, but it's been quite a long and emotional day for me so I will copy/paste from my Facebook page, a post that I made earlier today that led to creating this blog in the first place.  It appears that there are far more of you out there who are interested in hearing my story.  So if you will bare with me as I gather all of my thoughts, I will take you to the beginning of my story in my next blog.  In the meantime, here's the post I made on Facebook today.

"I know most of you know the whole story behind why I began painting. (for those who don't, please feel free to read my bio)

Social media has had a big impact on allowing me to share my art journey with you. Which is why I created my art page. I also have twitter, pinterest and instagram. However, I'm not really quite sure how they all work. So I simply stick to Facebook. 

For those of you who really, really know me, I am a very humble person and getting on Facebook or anywhere to boast or brag about myself is very awkward for me. There's this little voice in my head saying, "nobody cares Gina, stop being so self-centered! Gaw! Seriously...get a life!"
Needless to say, that sharing personal information is definitely something I try to steer away from. I made a promise to you, my followers, to keep drama and personal matters off my art page. Which is what I intend to continue to do. After I write this...

If you come to my art page, you expect to see updates of my art and events that pertain to my art. And without you here, there would be no reason for me to have an art page. I mean really, who would I show my art to?

So today I must confess to you, this: My husband has been on disability from work since he received his lung transplant a year ago. The average life expectancy after a lung transplant is 5-6 years. I thought that buying a small RV and entering some art shows across the country would be a great idea! He could take care of things around the house and I would paint and enter my art into these shows and we would travel around and sell my beautiful paintings and prints!

Turns out: Art shows are expensive! Gas is expensive! And art is expensive! Not everyone wants to buy art. Who has the money for it anyway?!!

Well here's the real kicker.....
My husband just lost his job. So no more disability, no more dental and eye insurance. (thank goodness we still have his military retirement) I haven't worked outside of the house in 5 years because I've been playing the role of caretaker. My husband has become depressed, he's put on a lot of weight which is not good for his health. He's worried that he has put us in this financial situation. And I'm in a place in my life I've never been. So if things don't start picking up with my art sales, this page, along with my art, will no longer be available. 

What can you do? Buy a print, order a set of cornhole boards, let me paint a pair of shoes for you, buy an original or commission me to paint something special......
If nothing else, share my art page with someone who might be looking for something beautiful to give as a gift or hang in their first apartment, home or business. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope I have not burdened anyone with nonsense. 

Have a great day!! And remember, I love to share my art with YOU!"

If you want to follow my art journey on Facebook, you can look me up at

So....this is my introduction to blogging.  I hope you have enjoyed my first blog and look forward to telling you more about who I am as an artist.

Thank you,
Gina Kyle

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